Thursday, March 02, 2006

Alito, Bush's intelligence and secret hopes

Having just heard Bush explain (or at least string a few sentences together with englishy words) in his usual inept way why the U.S. entered into an agreement with India regarding nuclear technology, I'm once again thinking down the same old tired path -- this guy is a moron!

But, is he really? The SCOTUS is soon to provide telling evidence. They've heard arguments now on "partial birth" abortion. At some point in the next medium amount of time, it seems they may also hear arguments on abortion in general. Will they vote for the Dobson position or for stare decisis?

My secret hope is that Alito will turn into a moderate on this issue and follow precedent. If he does that, then we can we know that not only is Bush incoherent when speaking, but a lousy judge of judges too. I'm not too hopeful though.

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